9/8/09 Due to the large number of free Lyme Resource cads I send out (yea I am that Lyme Cd guy, email me if you want a copy) and my position as a moderator of a large lyme support group, many people ask me frequently how my wife is doing. I thought I should just pass along an update to all the groups I am on. My wife used salt/c (wonderful protocol!) for about a year and got a very good boost in her health. It was amazing how well this worked. Previously she had only had 3 weeks of antibiotics at initial infection and then approximately 3 more weeks about 8 to 9 months later when it became Chronic. She was a mess as I am sure many of you can appreciate. Anyways the salt/c worked for her! One problem was she felt that the salt was being a trigger for her frequent migraines. She wanted to find something else she could use to keep Lyme in remission. Note I say remission and not cured. I do not believe there is an easy cure for this disease as it just takes one cyst hatching to allow the spirochetes to regain their lost ground! So I think it is important to find a protocol that can be used indefinitely! About 5 months ago we got a month supply of ionic Colloidal Silver from a friend to try. After slowly ramping on it and her trying it out we decided to buy our own machine. My wife has been using 12oz a day of that silver (which I am now making) along with plenty of vitamin C, tanning sessions, hot tub soaks and magnesium supplements. She is also careful to try and follow the anti-inflammatory diet that is in the book "The lyme disease Solution". It does appear to be doing better for her than the salt/c had done, as her migraines have lessened. We are very happy with the outcome so far. I also take the CS myself at smaller dosage a couple times a week just as a preventive. Also interestingly enough my wife has been using a c-pap machine at night, due to be being diagnosed with sleep apnea. It started a few years ago (after her infection). She is of average weight and the doctor was at loss to understand why she would suddenly be needing this. She did not fit the profiles. About a month ago she stopped using it and she and I both feel it must have been because of the Lyme and now the CS has improved her condition enough that it is now no longer needed! I will update again if there is any significant changes! (Updates below...) Scott Adams www.lyme-resource.com Moderator of Lyme_rife yahoo list http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Lyme_Rife/ ------------------------------ 9/29/09 Update: We have purchased a DP100 "rife" style electronic healing device and my wife is treating herself with it. The log for this will be in the "dp100_log.txt" file ------------------------ 01/26/10 I just emailed my wife to get her impressions of the Dp100. (0-10 scale) and she puts it at 9. She felt it helped her feet where nothing had helped for the last 2 years there. What I do know is that she is doing so much better this year than in the previous years. In the past her protocol was primarily salt/c and some herbals. She switched to CS and C last spring and noticed a good improvement as she was certainly more consistent in using it over Salt and there were less GI problems and migraines. She also takes Vitamin D3 and uses tanning beds. Then October 2009 we bought the Dp100 and she has been using it. (log enclosed) Except the first few weeks earlier of this month when she got out of the habit (vacation and vacation prep and lot of home construction going on) and she had a bad relapse for a few days. She is back on it again and feeling great. She also went skiing this winter for the first time in years so that was good. I can also report we have a couple of local friends who are using a DP100 also. The following is simply anecdotal and what I understand they have told me. I may be reporting some of the facts wrong or they might not be telling me the truth. Please don't take it as proven facts or advice. I do want to share though what I think I have learned from them. I am /ccing one of them to see if I got my facts right or not. If they reply I will update. One set of friends is a mother and her son. The son has confirmed Lyme and its been very bad. He had surgery at once point. When hearing what he was going through we recommended a lyme test. The WB came back positive. For some time he was been under treatment by Dr Jones. He would do well for a while and then have problems again. He had relapses and they kept putting him on more antibiotics and his gut was a mess as you might imagine due to the antibiotics. About a month ago his mother and he started using the DP100 and taking CS and using our hot tub at 104F for long soaks (they have since gotten their own hot tub) He has been totally off antibiotics and has not had a relapse since starting with the DP100. I believe she suspects she might also have Lyme but not sure. But she also uses the DP100. I believe she thinks what they are doing are helping them both. Again I am /ccing her for confirmation. We have two other friends using the machine and one of them is also treating her dog. One has had confirmed lyme for years and feels the protocol is working for her as she tells me. The other though has just started so we don't know much yet. ----------------------------- 01/26/10 Minor update to what I wrote from my friend... Well, not sure what you want to know. Regarding "facts" B. has been hospitalized because he could not walk and another friend here in town that has Lyme disease actually recommended we test him and then we had also contacted Roxanne. However, I suspect the hospital had planned on testing him. I am cautiously hopeful. S. has not relapsed since we have been on the rife, but again, we try not to get our hopes up. --------------------- 04/08/10 Everyone is currently doing great, Including the mother and son and even the lady and her dog! here's an updated from the mother... Hi Scott, We are doing well. I actually started taking lots of herbs for digestion from the acupuncturist that has helped a lot. He also suggested working on getting my PH balanced which will stop the waking up in the night with cramps. He suggested minerals, cod liver, green vitamins, and aloe vera tablets he has--and of course diet. It seems to be working. I think gradually we are seeing results. I am starting to feel better and look more like myself. S. is doing great. He continues to be pain free and good energy. He has been having a lot of blinking and some facial tics, which has been a part of the Lyme all along. We give him a lot of minerals for the facial tics which helps. Sometimes after the rife the blinking and tics increase. We just upped our time from 2 minutes to 2.5. --------------------------- Another update from the Mom and her son... 05/20/10 Hello Roxanne and Scott, I was excited to share something with you. As I have updated Scott, S. has had no Lyme pain since December. S. recieved another achievement reward for his getting a 100% on a math and science test. I counted the others and he has had 7 awards since January!! He had struggled in school before (no achievement awards, but was behind)---I am sure from Lyme! We are grateful for positive changes! Thanks again for letting us use your machine! V.