Hi! This is an open letter that may be shared and reposted, in its entirety. Chronic Lyme is frequently misdiagnosed as ALS, CFS, FMS, MS, Parkinson's and many others. Please see the open letter appended to the end of this document. Perhaps you or a loved actually has Chronic Lyme instead of one the above? If so there is HOPE and a way towards health! It seems in the world of misdiagnosed Chronic Lyme it's hard to get antibiotic treatment and if you can its even harder to get any insurance company to pay for it. The good news is there are treatments that folks are doing that seem to help and they are way less expensive than antibiotics. And many seem to think they might be safer too! In no particular order here are some of them: herbal supplements, rife type electronic machines, Colloidal Silver, Salt/C regimen. They are even more! Note I am not a doctor and do not prescribe or recommend treatments. But I do collect information on what others are doing and how its working for them. I have a free Computer text CD of information that I have collected over the last year helping my wife fight Chronic Lyme. And yes she is doing MUCH better now than she was then! Praise God! She has not had any regular antibiotics other than an initial short term dosage two years ago. There is no copyright information on the CD but simply information I have gleaned from reading literally 100s of emails a day form different support groups and other web based data. I pick and choose what seems to me the most relevant. It is not a comprehensive set of data by any means but it does contain allot of gems. The information is broken down in easy to find categories, such as Related Symptoms, Body, Other Illnesses, Treatments, Research etc. Note this is full of text documents and is NOT a music CD or video DVD. Note you can download the information in a single zip file (About 350 megabytes) from my website at: http://www.msadams.com/Lyme/Lyme_Resources.zip I update this file on the website and it will usually contain the most recent information. If you decided to download the file I suggest simply storing it on your desktop. You can then open it as a folder and read it. If you do get the information from Cd or download and find it useful I would appreciate an email. That way I will know to continue the ministry. As long as folks find it helpful, I will continue. Scott Adams msadams@msadams.com www.msadams.com