BULB DETAILS (nothing visible on the bulb) Critical ? Voltage 6v Current 5A (30 Watts) Filament 3mm x 3mm aprox (end facing) Filament to top of collar 35mm aprox Collar 22mm diam (notch lined up with contacts as photo Bulb 2) Base P22D-A ?? Base with pins, without collar BA15d =================================== Incidental Envelope diam 25mm Envelope length 35mm Frosted end (this version with the phase scope) ====================================== POSSIBLE REPLACEMENTS I have some Olympus TB1 bulbs Voltage 6v Current 5A (30 Watts) Filament 3mm x 3mm aprox (end facing) Base with pins, without collar BA15d You would need a collar from an old bulb. These are not frosted so would be correct for the non-phase scopes. I suspect that a lightly frosted diffuser filter placed in the path would work as well for the phase scopes but I have not tried it. NOT SUITABLE Philips 13347 6v 15watt Fillament 1.5mm x 1.5mm aprox (end facing) Filament to top of collar 32.5mm aprox Base P22D-B Collar 22mm diam (notch lined up at 90degrees to photo Bulb 2, ie pins in wrong place) Very good artlicle on Microsytem 70 by Ian Walker in Micscape Magazine December 2009 edition. http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/artdec09/iw-watson70.html