Rife Group Membership Rules ------------------------------- Last updated: September 10, 2013 (updated off-topic section) This message explains the usage and rules associated with using this Yahoogroup. Please read this completely so that you fully understand what is permitted on this group! 1. Application -------------- These rules apply to the Rife group at Yahoogroups: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Rife/ 2. Purpose ----------- This Rife Group is for all those who wish to discuss the microscope and/or treatment, invented or inspired by Royal Raymond Rife, that uses resonance frequencies to treat a wide range of diseases. The Rife treatment is best known for the treatment of everything from Flu to Cancer and arthritis. In this group, we discuss suitable Rife equipment, your experiences, frequencies and reactions. It has been started to provide a general forum to those interested in the subject and those seeking help. We discourage highly technical discussions and encourage the free exchange of ideas and experiences. Discussion of all kinds of "Rife" devices are allowed, including pad, plasma and other similar methods. Discussion on microscopes can also include any types of high power microscopes of similar capabilities to that of Rife's (i.e. Darkfield, Ergonom and the microscopes from Naessens and Enderlein, etc.). 3. Off-Topic ------------- A certain amount of off-topic discussion is allowed, as long as it does not go too far of the general theme of this list. Discussion on other alternative health methods is normally OK, but subjects like (non-health related) politics, wars, etc. is going too far! This includes the following subjects: Priore, the "French Rife" Magnetic Therapies, etc. Hulda Clark Zapper World-Wide Health Politics Use of Vitamins, etc. Obesity The following subjects are NOT welcome on this group: Radionics (and any kind of distance healing) Dousing The reason these subjects are not allowed is to avoid associating the Rife community with questionable methods that have no real basis in verifiable facts. There are certainly people who think these methods work and they should discuss these subjects in other groups, not this one. Messages found on those subjects will be deleted. Please remember that one of the principle purposes of the Rife Yahoogroup is to collect serious information and help to advise people on reliable, tried and tested methods that can really help them. All information is meant to provide you with information you can then discuss with your doctor, etc. We do not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of any information found in this group. It is not permitted to post PC-virus warnings (such warnings are nearly always hoaxes), or similar such chain letters. If you receive an Email warning about a PC virus, please check if it is a hoax at the following address: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/hoax.html 4. Moderation --------------- Moderation means that when a new message is posted to the group, it has to be approved by the moderator (Peter Walker) before it is released for everybody to see. This is mainly to prevent spam (unwanted advertising), flaming, etc. to reach the list. When a message is rejected, an explanation as to the reason for the rejection is sent to the poster. Messages are sometimes pruned to remove unnecessary quoting before release. This group is partially moderated. All new members are initially moderated until they have posted enough reasonable messages so that it can be seen that they are behaving responsibly according to these rules. We can put any member back on moderation who does not follow the rules (particularly the posting rules, below) properly. 5. Posting ---------- Before posting a message to this group, please consider the following rules: a) When quoting a previous message, ONLY quote the message, or part thereof, you are directly responding to. DO NOT QUOTE A WHOLE STRING OF MESSAGES. ALWAYS DELETE THE FOOTER (any advertising, links, etc. found on the end of each message) as otherwise these footers repeat themselves on subsequent posts! b) Posts that simply contain messages like "Thanks", "I think so too", etc. are NOT suitable messages for this group. If you want to thank someone, send them a private Email. Such messages are often sent with long quotes making them even more unacceptable (and particularly bad for digest readers). c) Off-topic posts should be the exception on this group. If however you feel you have a posting to make that is off-topic, yet in some way relevant to this group, you should include "OT:" at the beginning of the subject line so that everybody can see it is an off-topic post. d) While there is nothing wrong with a healthy argument, you must not use offensive, abusive, rude or defamatory language or engage in personal attacks on members (or non-members) of this Yahoogroup. Personal attacks may subject you to potential liability for defamation, contribute nothing to the free flow of ideas, and tend to inhibit rational discussion of the issues. The Moderator is not limited in any way in deciding whether a particular message may be offensive to a particular member or the Group in general. Examples of potentially offensive messages include, but are not limited to, messages that denigrate, insult or ridicule another person, or that contain negative comments on the integrity, personality, honesty, character, intelligence, methods or motives of any person. In addition, you must respect the privacy of the members (and non-members) of the forum. Do not publish private messages without the permission of the sender (unless you feel a Group rule has been broken; if so, forward the message privately to the Moderator for evaluation). Do not publish facts, rumours or innuendo regarding any person's personal life. Breaches of this rule can lead to you being immediately banned from this group. e) Attachments are NOT permitted on this group and are deleted automatically. This is to protect the members from viruses being distributed via this Yahoogroup. If you need to share a file with the group, you can use the special files http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Rife/files or photos http://photos.groups.yahoo.com/group/Rife/lst sections f) Advertising is NOT allowed on this list. However, it is allowed to add two lines of descriptive text and a link to your website as part of your signature. g) One time product announcements are allowed only under the following conditions: It is a new Rife related product just released or otherwise unknown to this group, Such announcements are only posted ONCE, It is made plain that this is a product announcement and the posters association with the product or service is made clear. While it is permitted to make people aware of a health related newsletter that members can subscribe to, in the form of a one-time announcement, it is not permitted to post such newsletters as a whole to this group. If there is some important non-commercial article, contained within a newsletter, that is highly relevant to this group, then it may be permissible to release that part of the article, with suitable references, providing doing so does not breach the copyright of the original newsletter. If in doubt, give your own short summary and a link to the original article's URL instead. If you run another health related mailing list, forum, blog, etc. and wish to announce it here, this is ONLY allowed if you also announce this group and/or the Rifeforum (http://www.rifeforum.com) on your forum, too (reciprocity). h) Some people automatically add standard texts to the end of the message giving details of confidentiality, this text is only for the intended reader, etc. Such messages have no place on an open discussion group and are to be removed before posting. If necessary, please obtain another Email address, for use with this group, that does not use such comments. i) When posting new topics, make sure the subject line is appropriate and provides a good indication of what you wish to discuss, etc. Titles like "New Member", "Hello from ...", "New here", etc. are not very informative particularly as such posts often go on to describe some condition they have, etc. Use a title listing the main point of your post. If you wish to say you are new here, etc, write it in the text not the subject line. Inappropriate titles may be changed by the moderator before release. j) It is not permitted to harvest email addresses from this group in any way. For example, by announcing some piece of "important" information which you will then only give to people who write to you privately enabling you to gather a list of email addresses of people interested in a certain topic. Whenever this has happened in the past, it has also led to a string of people posting to the group with messages like "please send to me, too" etc. which is of no interest to 99.9% of the members, causes privacy issues and fills up the message list with worthless irrelevant posts. If you have info to share, post it to the group, the files area, the Rife Forum or your own website. If you need advice or assistance on this, write privately to the moderator beforehand. 6. The Rife Forum -------------------- Peter Walker also runs the Rife Forum found at http://www.rifeforum.com and members of this Rife group are welcome to join that forum as well. The Rife Forum is better organised and contains a lot of background information making it easier to understand the world of Rife whereas this (Yahoo) group is more of a chat line where current ideas on the subject are exchanged. New messages from the Rife Forum (http://www.rifeforum.com) can also be received via Yahoogroups by simply joining the Rifeforum Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Rifeforum/ 7. The Rife Wiki -------------------- A new Rife Wiki has been started in order to build a specialised Rife related online encyclopedia, based on the principles of Wikipedia, yet without the biased anti-Rife editing associated with Wikipedia. We welcome members to add new entries to the Rife Wiki so that we can all gain from the combined knowledge. http://www.rifewiki.org --- I thank you all for reading and following these simple rules that I hope will enable us all to get more out of this group. If you have any queries or suggestions to make about these rules, please Email me directly. Regards Peter Walker Moderator http://www.rife.de http://www.rifewiki.org http://www.rifeforum.com -------- DO NOT QUOTE THE FOLLOWING IN REPLIES -------- When quoting, ALWAYS remove the footer and any advertising, etc. found above as well. Only quote the message you are referring to. Rife FAQs, test reports, etc. - http://www.rifeforum.com --- Send an E-Mail to: Rife@yahoogroups.com, to post a message to this forum Rife-owner@yahoogroups.com, to contact the moderator: Peter Walker Rife-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com, to unsubscribe Membership: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Rife/join Main page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Rife Archives: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Rife/messages Files area: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Rife/files Photo area: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Rife/photos Rife links: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Rife/links Rife units: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Rife/database