Hello! Thank-you for your application to join the Symphonic Health mailing list run by Jennifer Ruby. I'm very excited to meet you, and begin sharing back and forth ideas for common health challenges, etc.. as we all learn from one another. Our list is a group of some professionals, some lay persons, some very well educated and informed and some who have true needs and want to learn. It's a great mix of friends! Please write me a short E-Mail telling me your name, and something about yourself and your reasons for wishing to join the list so that I can approve your application. Send your intro letter to list@rubysemporium.org There are several lists that have been experiencing lots of problems with people impersonating other list members, thus necessitating this step. I sincerely apologize for this. It is not personal at all. We try to keep this list member friendly, encouraging, and helpful to those on the list. Please reply within a week. I'm looking forward to meeting you! I thank-you for your understanding for this measure which has become necessary due to recent events. Regards, Health, Hope, Joy & Healing : May you Prosper, even as your Soul Prospers 3John 2 Jennifer Ruby Email advice is not a substitute for medical treatment. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SymphonicHealth ______________________________________________ 互户互户互户互户互户互  ATTENTION PLEASE: The Symphonic Health List is for learning different health and healing modalities and exchanging opinions and experiences, and not to give medical advice. It makes no representations regarding the individual suitability of the information contained in any document read or advice or recommendation offered which appears on this website and/or email postings for any purpose. The entire risk arising out of their use remains with the recipient. In no event shall the Symphonic Health list owner or its individual members be liable for any direct, consequential, incidental, special, punitive or other damages whatsoever and howsoever caused by someone following advice given without first thinking it through carefully, and running it past whatever health professional they deem necessary. Those people needing medical attention should seek qualified PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVISE.