KeelyNet_Interact - Health-Related YahooGroup Archives

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KeelyNet Interact

Group Description
The 'KeelyNet Interact' list will focus primarily on free energy/overunity approaches, gravity control and electronic health, with aperiodic related correlations.

Science as herein used is in its purest form which is, observation or theory, correlations that back up your contentions, establishing a hypothesis, doing an experiment to prove it, adjusting for variations, proving it and sharing sufficient information that OTHERS can prove it, then it is REAL. Academia and professional accreditation are not and never have been requirements for discovery or invention.

Most of the worlds major inventions were by loners without formal training. Discover something new, prove what you claim, let others have enough information to VERIFY your claim and you ARE a scientist, no matter what anyone else might say. Don't let anyone scare you from an experiment claiming you don't know enough, take a chance, try it out, ask for help, its out there in many forums and from many people.

'Science' does not preclude discussion of alt tech devices such as radionics, pyramid or shape power, rejuvenation, healing, anomalies and various other topics which are not yet quantifiable using off the shelf equipment. It is THROUGH science that we will pin down the mysteries of the universe and make them controllable and useful in our daily lives.

When posting to the list, it is preferred that you post a short abstract of an existing URL of interest along with the URL or source where the complete article resides. That way, people can CHOOSE to visit the site or source for the full document at their discretion. This is a courtesy to others since it prevents cramming large files into subscriber mailboxes where the information could just as easily be referenced at will from a posted URL. Thanks!!!

Please follow these guidelines.

Group Websites

Group Information

  • , 2007
  • English
  • Members :    403
  • Messages: 2,359
  • Attachments: None
  • Files: None
  • Photos: None
  • Links: None

Product Description
The group has been archived in PG4 Format that can be read with the PG Offline Software.
In order to view these archives, the free trial version of the software is sufficient.

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The link is valid for 60 days.

Compatibility: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10
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Link valid for 60 days.
This website is owned and run by Peter Walker: Contact. Disclaimer: The authors of this web site do not engage in the practice of medicine; we are not a medical authority, nor do we claim to have medical knowledge. In all cases we recommend that you consult your own physician regarding any course of treatment or medicine. We cannot accept any responsibility for any actions made based on what is read on this or other sites. This site is not affiliated with Yahoo in any way.

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