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Autism_Pack contains the groups: Autism-Mercury, DENTAL, dental-chelation, EnzymesAndAutism, frequent-dose-chelation
Value $39.95 - Save over 20% ($8.95)
Value $39.95 - Save over 20% ($8.95)
Discuss autism & the potential link between excessive mercury exposure via thimerosal in infant vaccines
Category : Autism
Posts: 311,542, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Category : Autism
Posts: 311,542, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Digestive enzymes, how they help autistic spectrum/PDD, attention deficit, sensory integration, etc.
Category : Autism
Posts: 132,838, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: None
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Category : Autism
Posts: 132,838, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: None
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Mercury chelation protocols from book Amalgam Illness:
Diagnosis & Treatment by Andrew Cutler, PhD.
Category : Autism
Posts: 173,280, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Diagnosis & Treatment by Andrew Cutler, PhD.
Category : Autism
Posts: 173,280, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
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