Electrotherapy: Beck/Clark/Magnetic - Health-Related YahooGroup Archives

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Electrotherapy: Beck/Clark/Magnetic
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Beck_Pack contains the groups: beck-blood-electrification, BeckClarkRife-ColloidalSilver_Users, Beck-n-stuf, DrClark, HuldaClarkEnthusiasts, Magnetictherapytoday, microelectricitygermkiller, qsc1850hd
Value $34.93 - Save over 20% ($7.93)
Bob Beck protocol-black box & magnetic pulser. The Black Box electro medicine device known to reverse many "incurable" viral & bacterial conditions.
Category : Alternative Medicine
Posts: 16,642, Attachments: Yes, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative health discussions and information of Bob Beck ..Hulda clark...rife...Colloidal Silver...and related Technology
Category :Alternative Medicine
Posts: 2754, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Discussion of Beck type blood electrification, Rife, Crane, and anything that helps.
Category :Alternative Medicine
Posts: 44,547, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Discussion about Dr.Hulda Clark Cures ! - curing cancer, aids, diabetes, ...
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 21,647, Attachments: None, Files: None, Photos: None, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
For those serious about Dr. Hulda Clark's methods and want to network and share information, questions, and concerns.
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 14,049, Attachments: Yes, Files: None, Photos: None, Links: None
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Biomagnetism, the science of using magnetic fields to energize the body for vitality, pain relief, and helping resolve health conditions.
Category: Magnetic Therapy
Posts: 10092, Attachments: Yes, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Extremely promising idea with simple do-it-yourself devices.
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 17,039, Attachments: Yes, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
How to build user friendly doug that is easy to use. Improvements or any problems one has.
Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
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