Products A-Z - Health-Related YahooGroup Archives

Health-Related YahooGroup Archives
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Redistribution licence
Less than 1,000 messages

1,000 – 9,999 messages
10,000 – 24,999 messages
25,000 – 49,999 messages
50,000 – 99,999 messages
100,000 – 149,999 messages
150,000 or more messages
* Prices can be higher when the group has a large files/photos archive.
Each archive includes the software, instructions, message archive (.PG4 file) and any Attachments, Files, Photos and Links that were found in the group (providing they were available for download).
Multiple archives can be installed and used on the same PC.

You are permitted to install and use the archive on up to 10 computers at the same physical location (home, library, small company, etc.). For larger organizations with more than 10 computers or if you want to redistribute the files to others via email, etc. or online via the Internet, then you need a redistribution licence. Redistribution licences are non-exclusive and can only be ordered by the group owner.
It is possible to export the messages into industry standard SQLite, MySQL, plain text (pipe delimited HTML or text) or multiple HTML files with 50 messages per file, for use in other applications.
We ask you to not pass on the downloaded files to anybody else and instead tell others where they can download their own copy of the archives at

This is so that we can continue to cover our costs for maintaining these archives online and support such communities online. We do not ask group owners to pay us for archiving their groups.

If, however a group owner would like to just have the files to distribute them themselves, they can alternatively pay the one-time redistribution charge, instead.

Download links are valid for 60 days, enabling you to download the final version on or after December 15, 2019 without further costs after Yahoo has deleted their archives.

The software included is the trial version of PG Offline version 4. As the full version is only needed to download large archives from Yahoo Groups, there is no need to order the full version in order to use the archive files we provide. We do however encourage you to pay the software author for a license if you can. A new version will be released after YahooGroups deletes there archives and a new version for is also planned:
You will need an empty drive to install the files on. We recommend using an empty USB stick with at least 16GB, preferably 32GB if you want to download several archives.
Products A - Z
Total Products
Total Price
Alternative Medicine
A wealth of alternative answers in healing. Discuss health, spiritual, and healing issues...
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 39,950, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative Medicine
Join us in exploring health & wellbeing from a no-hype, self-empowered perspective.
Category : Alternative Medicine
Posts: 64,897, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative Medicine
Discusses methods of health and healing incl. Rife
Category :Alternative Medicine
Posts: 3704, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: None, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Technique, equipment, suppliers and material concerning light microscopes.
Category: Microscopes
Posts: 20,045, Attachments: No, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Discuss autism & the potential link between excessive mercury exposure via thimerosal in infant vaccines
Category : Autism
Posts: 311,542, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Largest group on ayurveda and Yoga on yahoo.
Category: Ayurveda
Posts: 20,337, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Bob Beck protocol-black box & magnetic pulser. The Black Box electro medicine device known to reverse many "incurable" viral & bacterial conditions.
Category : Alternative Medicine
Posts: 16,642, Attachments: Yes, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative health discussions and information of Bob Beck ..Hulda clark...rife...Colloidal Silver...and related Technology
Category :Alternative Medicine
Posts: 2754, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Discussion of Beck type blood electrification, Rife, Crane, and anything that helps.
Category :Alternative Medicine
Posts: 44,547, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Questions vaccinations in general, alternative methods of building disease resistance.
Category: Health
Posts: 1,950, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Electrotherapy: Rife
Information and education of individuals & groups around the use of the BioRay Sound & Light
Category : Alternative Medicine
Posts: 104, Attachments: None, Files: No, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
German Groups
Wir tauschen Erfahrungen und Ideen aus, die unter angebotene Information
Kategorie: Allgemein
Nachrichten: 16.786, Attachments: Nein, Files: Ja, Photos: Nein, Links: Ja
Windows kompatible Software, Archivdatei und alle Anhänge, Dateien, Fotos und Links.
Cleansing bowel and tissue and preventing and curing "incurable" diseases and syndromes.
Category: Other Health
Posts: 22,738, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative cancer treatments include non-harmful cancer cures and therapies.
Category: Cancers
Posts: 85,923, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative cancer treatments include non-harmful cancer cures and therapies.
Category: Cancers
Posts: 651, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: No, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Cancer Testimonials - People Cured without surgery, without chemo therapy, without radiation therapy.
Category: Cancers
Posts: 434, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: None, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Holistic Health
My Candida Program improves everyone's health by providing the correct combination of nutrition every human body needs in order to be healthy.
Category : Holistic Health
Posts: 144,350, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Dedicated to helping each other learn all about the benefits of coconut oil.
Category: Nutrition
Posts: 110,681, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative Medicine
Dinshah's Spectro-Chrome color therapy. How each color relates to dis-ease and color healing methods.
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 789, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative Medicine
Energy medicine as taught by Donna Eden and Innersource.
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 9007, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Holistic Health
Crystal healing, Deva, energy work, meditation work with crystals, stones, mineral kingdom and related energies and spiritual beings.
Category: Holistic Health
Posts: 17423, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
A group for dark-field, phase contrast, and fluorescence medical/veterinary microscopists
Category :Alternative Medicine
Posts: 504, Attachments: None, Files: None, Photos: None, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative Medicine
Dangers of amalgam fillings, root canals cavitations and other dental procedures.
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 50,958, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Holistic Health
Dental clean-ups in preparation for oral chelation as explained by Dr Andy Cutler.
Category : Holistic Health
Posts: 2,136, Attachments: None, Files: None, Photos: None, Links: None
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Discussion about Dr.Hulda Clark Cures ! - curing cancer, aids, diabetes, ...
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 21,647, Attachments: None, Files: None, Photos: None, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative Medicine
Dr. Richard Loyd uses this group for teaching ways to improve health.
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 13,373, Attachments: Yes, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
The vegan version of Dr. Joel Fuhrman's Eat To Live book and nutritional program.
Category: Nutrition
Posts: 86,125, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: None
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative Medicine
Bioelectronics, Rife, Rife-Bare, EMEM, Tesla, Clark, Lakhovsky, and other frequency devices plus complementary therapies.
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 20,833, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Electrotherapy: Rife
Expierences with the EMEM rife type machine.
Category :Alternative Medicine
Posts: 83 (Spam removed), Attachments: None, Files: None, Photos: None, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Digestive enzymes, how they help autistic spectrum/PDD, attention deficit, sensory integration, etc.
Category : Autism
Posts: 132,838, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: None
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Vegan recipes with no added oils, and high-fat ingredients such as avocado or nuts should be limited.
Category: Nutrition
Posts: 23,683, Attachments: Yes, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Stop cancer through Dr. Budwig's Diet and Protocol and compatible treatments.
Category : Nutrition
Posts: 144248, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Electrotherapy: Rife
Developing, designing, using, or testing freqgen and the associated hardware.
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 250, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Mercury chelation protocols from book Amalgam Illness:
Diagnosis & Treatment by Andrew Cutler, PhD.
Category : Autism
Posts: 173,280, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Electrotherapy: Rife
Provide a forum for F-Scan owners to collaborate and chart new frequencies.
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 4,531, Attachments: Yes, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Holistic Health
Secret medical technology, food toxins, Chemtrails, water pollution, vaccine info, medical recalls, emerging diseases, forbidden cures, immunity boosting, GE foods, drugs.
Category: Holistic Health
Posts: 78,547, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Holistic Health
Holistic aspects of health, preventive, alternative, non-medicinal, and energy-based systems for healing. Homeopathy, Tissue remedies, Bach Flower Remedies, Reiki, Crystal Healing, and Spiritual Healing etc.
Category: Holistic Health
Posts: 1,794, Attachments: Yes, Files: Yes, Photos: None, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
For those serious about Dr. Hulda Clark's methods and want to network and share information, questions, and concerns.
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 14,049, Attachments: Yes, Files: None, Photos: None, Links: None
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Hypothyroidism = Too Little Hormone. - Malfunction of the Thyroid Gland
Natural ways of curing Hypothyroidism and preventing recurrence.
Category: Hypothyroidism
Posts: 55,981, Attachments: None, Files: None, Photos: None, Links: None
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Ancient art of traditional milk kefir of Caucasus cultured with kefir-grains, and water kefir prepared with sugary kefir-grains.
Category: Nutrition
Posts: 110,681, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative Medicine
Free energy/overunity approaches, gravity control and electronic health, with aperiodic related correlations.
Category: Alternative
Posts: 2,359, Attachments: None, Files: None, Photos: None, Links: None
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Lyme Disease
Fighting Lyme disease with Rife and other electronic technologies.
Category: Other
Posts: 35,793, Attachments: Yes, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Lyme Disease
Practical approaches to Lyme infection based upon the 100%..natural,.Salt/C.Plus Protocol for Lyme Infection.
Category: Lyme Disease
Posts: 120946, Attachments: Yes, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Biomagnetism, the science of using magnetic fields to energize the body for vitality, pain relief, and helping resolve health conditions.
Category: Magnetic Therapy
Posts: 10092, Attachments: Yes, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Fermented Foods, Probiotics, Gut Health.
Category : Nutrition
Posts: 21,997, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Extremely promising idea with simple do-it-yourself devices.
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 17,039, Attachments: Yes, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Microscopy as a hobby or profession. All microscopy techniques including imaging and all types of contrast enhancement. LARGE PHOTO SECTION - 1.54 GB
Category : Microscopy
Posts: 91,568, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Technique, equipment, suppliers and material concerning light microscopes.
Category: Microscopes
Posts: 2,155, Attachments: No, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative Medicine
Neurotechnology: Mind machines, CES, biofeedback, nootropics , and floatation (sensory deprivation).
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 38,510, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Holistic Health
Dr Ardavan Shahrdar's most active homeopathy discussion groups to share useful information on classical and Hahnemannian homeopathy.
Category: Homeopathy
Posts: 108352, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Natural Thyroid Hormones are FAR superior, say patients, including those with Hashimotos, thyroid cancer or Graves hyperthyroid disease
Category: Hypothyroidism
Posts: 377,878, Attachments: No, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Genetically modified organisms, including foods. Say No to GMO !
Category: Nutrition
Posts: 3,961, Attachments: Yes, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
WHOLE story on cow's milk and dairy ("Hormones. pus, glue and more...") proving it is unfit for human consumption.
Category : Nutrition
Posts: 6,813, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: None
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Oleander soup, and extracts, have been used for centuries to treat diseases and disorders.
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 43,940, Attachments: Yes, Files: None, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Orthognathic surgery support and advice for patients and their families.
Category: Health
Posts: 111,774, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Holistic Health
Oxidative therapies, and other alternative self-help subjects.
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 50,958, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Holistic Health
Information by Dr. Saul Pressman on self-treatment with ozone generated from oxygen.
Category : Holistic Health
Posts: 6,656, Attachments: None, Files: None, Photos: None, Links: None
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Technique, equipment, suppliers and material concerning light microscopes.
Category: Microscopes
Posts: 2,155, Attachments: No, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
How to build user friendly doug that is easy to use. Improvements or any problems one has.
Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
We all shift reality, and can learn how to bring what we most desire into our lives. Reality shifts happen in and around us every day, as we often notice in the form of synchronicity.
Category: Beliefs
Posts: 24313, Attachments: Yes, Files: None, Photos: None, Links: None
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Holistic Health
Recipes, cooking, and food handling and storage for people who are getting healthy on this Candida Program.
Category: Holistic Health
Posts: 5338, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: None
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Electrotherapy: Rife
Rife equipment, experiences, frequencies and reactions and related microscope technology.
Category : Alternative Mediciine
Posts: 35,590, Attachments: Yes, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Electrotherapy: Rife
This group resends the new posts from via email. These archives have never before been released this way.
Category : Alternative Mediciine
Posts: 41,407, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: None
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
German Groups
Arbeit und Forschung von Dr. Rife. Mit der von ihm erforschten Therapie mit Frequenzgeräten.
Kategorie : Alternativmedizin
Posts: 1.003, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows kompatible Software, Archivdatei und alle Anhänge, Dateien, Fotos und Links.
Electrotherapy: Rife
Rife-list started in 1996. Devices, protocols, and anecdotes regarding such research.
Includes PDF archives period: 09/17/1999-01/09/2004
Category : Holistic Health
Attachments: Yes, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Electrotherapy: Rife
Dr. Royal Rife's work on curing cancer and his development of the Super Microscope.
Category: Alternative Medicine, Posts: 4,386, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
German Groups
Diverse naturheilkundliche Tipps und Tricks zur Erholung der Augen oder Verbesserung der Sehschärfe werden diskutieren.
Kategorie : Alternativmedizin
Posts: 1.262, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: None, Links: Yes
Windows kompatible Software, Archivdatei und alle Anhänge, Dateien, Fotos und Links.
Online books and discussions relating to self-sufficiency.
Category : Home and Garden
Posts: 530, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Holistic Health
Discuss Health and learn how to care for ourselves and our family's; Naturally.
Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
People who have cured or are curing incurable diseases talk to each other in this group.
Category: Health and Politics
Posts: 16,157, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Thousands of gluten-free vegan recipes, cooking tips, and menu ideas are shared - Massive Files area with over 9000 files
Category: Nutrition
Posts: 23,473, Attachments: None, Files: 9023, Photos: 82, Links: 62
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative-Medicine_Pack contains the groups: AlternativeAnswers, Alternative-Medicine-Forum, alt-health-rife, ColorSpectro-ChromeTherapy, creative_energies, DENTAL, drloyd, electroherbalism, KeelyNet_Interact, mind-l
Value $51.90 - Save over 20% ($10.90)
Autism_Pack contains the groups: Autism-Mercury, DENTAL, dental-chelation, EnzymesAndAutism, frequent-dose-chelation
Value $39.95 - Save over 20% ($8.95)
Beck_Pack contains the groups: beck-blood-electrification, BeckClarkRife-ColloidalSilver_Users, Beck-n-stuf, DrClark, HuldaClarkEnthusiasts, Magnetictherapytoday, microelectricitygermkiller, qsc1850hd
Value $34.93 - Save over 20% ($7.93)
Cancer_Pack contains the groups: Cancer-Alternatives (Exclusive), cancercured, cancer-testimonials
Value $11.97 - Save over 20% ($2.97)
German_Pack enthält die Gruppen: Borreliose-Abhilfe-Gruppe, Rife-Gruppe, Sehtraining
Wert $10,97 - Mehr als 20% sparen ($2.97)
Health_Pack contains the groups: ayurvedaonline, BeyondVaccination, bowelcleanse, hypothyroidism, NaturalThyroidHormones, orthognathicsurgerysupport, The-Cure-Drive
Value $44.93 - Save over 20% ($9.93)
Holistic_Pack contains the groups: candidasupport, CrystalHealing-workshop, dental-chelation, Health_and_Healing, holistic-health, minutus, oxyplus, ozonetherapy, Recipes_For_Candida_Healing, SymphonicHealth
Value $57.90 - Save over 20% ($11.90)
Lyme_Pack contains the groups: Lyme_Rife, Lyme-Rife (exclusive), lymestrategies
Value $18.97 - Save over 20% ($3.97)
Microscope_Pack contains the groups: Amateur_Microscopy, DarkFieldMicroscopy, Microscope, Microscopes, PerfectSight
Massive File and Photo Archives - download size: 5.22 GB
Value $26.95 - Save over 20% ($5.95)
Nutrition_Pack contains the groups: coconut_oil_open_forum, Eat-2-Live, fatfree_vegan, FlaxSeedOil2, Kefir-making, Microbial_Nutrition, no-genetically-modified-foods, notmilk, oleandersoup, Recipes_For_Candida_Healing, VEGAN-AND-GLUTEN-FREE
Value $72.89 - Save over 20% ($14.89)
Rife_Pack contains the groups: alt-health-rife, BeckClarkRife-ColloidalSilver_Users, electroherbalism, ememrife, freqgen, fscan, homeopathetic_rife_radionic (exclusive), Lyme_Rife, Lyme-Rife (exclusive), Rife, Rifeforum, rife-list, rifers
Value $56.87 - Save over 20% ($11.87)
Donation to Rife Forum including All_You_Can_Eat_Pack that contains the archive from the following packs: Alternative-Medicine_Pack, Autism_Pack, Beck_Pack, Cancer_Pack, Candida_Pack, Health_Pack, Holistic_Pack, Lyme_Pack, Microscope_Pack, Nutrition_Pack, Rife_Pack
Value $367 - Save over 30% ($129,23)
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
This website is owned and run by Peter Walker: Contact. Disclaimer: The authors of this web site do not engage in the practice of medicine; we are not a medical authority, nor do we claim to have medical knowledge. In all cases we recommend that you consult your own physician regarding any course of treatment or medicine. We cannot accept any responsibility for any actions made based on what is read on this or other sites. This site is not affiliated with Yahoo in any way.

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