Alternative Medicine - Health-Related YahooGroup Archives

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Alternative Medicine
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Alternative-Medicine_Pack contains the groups: AlternativeAnswers, Alternative-Medicine-Forum, alt-health-rife, ColorSpectro-ChromeTherapy, creative_energies, DENTAL, drloyd, electroherbalism, KeelyNet_Interact, mind-l
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Alternative Medicine
A wealth of alternative answers in healing. Discuss health, spiritual, and healing issues...
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 39,950, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative Medicine
Join us in exploring health & wellbeing from a no-hype, self-empowered perspective.
Category : Alternative Medicine
Posts: 64,897, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative Medicine
Discusses methods of health and healing incl. Rife
Category :Alternative Medicine
Posts: 3704, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: None, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative Medicine
Dinshah's Spectro-Chrome color therapy. How each color relates to dis-ease and color healing methods.
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 789, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative Medicine
Energy medicine as taught by Donna Eden and Innersource.
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 9007, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative Medicine
Dangers of amalgam fillings, root canals cavitations and other dental procedures.
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 50,958, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative Medicine
Dr. Richard Loyd uses this group for teaching ways to improve health.
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 13,373, Attachments: Yes, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative Medicine
Bioelectronics, Rife, Rife-Bare, EMEM, Tesla, Clark, Lakhovsky, and other frequency devices plus complementary therapies.
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 20,833, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative Medicine
Free energy/overunity approaches, gravity control and electronic health, with aperiodic related correlations.
Category: Alternative
Posts: 2,359, Attachments: None, Files: None, Photos: None, Links: None
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
Alternative Medicine
Neurotechnology: Mind machines, CES, biofeedback, nootropics , and floatation (sensory deprivation).
Category: Alternative Medicine
Posts: 38,510, Attachments: None, Files: Yes, Photos: Yes, Links: Yes
Windows compatible Software, archive file and any attachments files, photos and links.
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